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When rescuers slowly creaked the rusty door open, the dilapidated building appeared to be empty. Windowless and dark, the sheet-metal structure held no noise, only air thick with spiderwebs, dust and the burning smell of ammonia. Then a head w
In 1961, the Arkansas Amusement Co. spent $250,000 to erect a sprawling new attraction for automobile users on the site of the decade-old Riverside Drive-In in Little Rock.
The resulting Razorback Twin Drive-In was big when it opened in June 1962 at 2700 Cantrell Road. It had two 80-by-4
Corporation's brilliant boffins have nowhere left to hide from prying management
As the nation settles down to watch the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II today, some strange-looking boxes will be recording every moment. Just as they have for every channel for over a decade, making the
Fraternal twins are an open secret in the automotive world. This is particularly true in the modern era, where platform sharing is necessary to help defray the enormous costs of bringing a new vehicle to market. Want a certain luxury SUV, but not sure you can afford it? Well, a more affordable
By CBS New York Team
June 14, 2022 / 7:15 PM / CBS New York
NEWARK, N.J. - Lawmakers in New Jersey are considering toughening up gun laws .
Among the proposals is something called microstamping. It would be required
Callum is an Englishman in Amsterdam, but not in the way you're thinking. He's the Editor of Plugged, TNW's consumer tech vertical. He w
When designing custom enclosures to fit the electronics you’ve built, you know that you need ventilation in your enclosures.
By Christa Carey, Protocase Engineering & Design Services Manager
When designing custom enclosures to fit the electronics you’ve built, you know th
As businesses fear energy Armageddon, Jacob Rees-Mogg puts forward plan for wholesale price cap on gas and electricity
B usinesses have been warning of an energy Armageddon, with those looking to sign new gas and electricity contracts this autumn quoted prices as high as 10 times normal
Yokoyama Kogyo is a leading Japanese specialist in metal stamping and welding. Founded in 1951, the company initially focused on supplying the construction industry – it manufactured roofs, walls and gutters – before branching out into automobile parts, specializing in metal parts
Over the years, we’ve covered a number of industries with unique distribution models, including wine and spirits, freshwater fishing tackle, door hardware and firearms. While they seem diverse, they share a few commonalities.
For one, they are industries that have historically been mad